
CDC Quarantine Zones

Good times are a comin'! This is old! I can't wait to see what 2009 is like! Booyah!


9/11 - In Memorial

A moment.

Today is the anniversary of the most destructive of our self-inflicted wounds, the one that fundamentally hijacked the culture of liberty within our great nation. We were complicit, because as a nation we allowed our government to restrict our birth-rights all to offer a sense of snake-oil security.


Politics aside, please take a dedicated moment from your hectic lives to think of our many civilian losses, the many good men fighting a never-ending war overseas, along with the death of the American ideal.

Think Patriot Act. Patriot Act II. Waterboarding. Ubiquitous Surveillance. Checkpoints. Terrorism. Everywhere. White Al-Quaeda. Anthrax. Bio-terror. Up is down an down is up and we've always been at war with Oceania. Please remember the bushco statement "the Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper" meanwhile the Federal government runs roughshod over our Constitutionally protected rights.

What has this meant for us?

In sum, Casus Belli

Think about false flag operations, and how the authorities have run roughshod over the American people for multiple generations. and we sit docile, awaiting things to "change". Meanwhile those tho vie for change are considered fringe.

However, change is coming. They will no longer have the freedom to get away more acts of terror against their own citizens. Should they provoke a response, they will reap what they have sown.

I heard a song when I was 16 - an old tune by a hack hardcore band called "black flag. Now they are called "seminal". Who would have thought that a song wrappered in the punk rock ethos could possibly embody the frustration of having liberties denied, stripped, and then told that we were wrong for feeling that way? Back in the day, with bad pseudo-mohawk and bad attitude, I wouldn't have guessed .. "me".

Regardless, this ditty has stuck with me for many years in it's brutal musical and lyrical simplicity - because at it's core, is a statement of defiance. One can only stretch so far, before the rubber band snaps.

The song is titled "No More"

I knew what I had when I grew up
I know that it really sucked

Now I'm a slave to the same lies
If I don't get out I'm gonna die

I need action, won't take no more,
No more, no more, no more

It won't work, won't work
No more

Control, control for who,
For what?
I'm no robot, they can get fucked...

In Closing
The following article says it best. With some tears for the loss of life, and resolute action to stem the bleeding, that last inch will indeed be the last one taken.
Sipsey Street


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