
ah, fucking socal.

only good thing to come out of that fuckhole is social d - and tri-tip and tri-tip is really from santa maria, so it's got fuck all to do w. anything than the northern central coast. wtf ever.

Like the labrea tarpits that trapped so many dinosaurs and turned them into sticky black juice, socal has brought me back from a round II.

This time I'm ready for 'em. 

my carry bowie





A fine tune for yet another dawn I've seen making someone else silly amounts of money.

Watch the broken common man
Drown his sorrows at unhappy hour.
Dirty and sweaty
With just enough to get by.
Calluses on his hands calluses on his soul
Hard-boiled son of a bitch
Scraping away on the down hill grind.
It's a means to an end, a mean end for most.
Death and domestication ends in shattered hopes
Can't see the hand at the other end of the leash.
Turn and bite.
Turn and bite the hand that bleeds you dry.
Throw yourself a bone, no one else will.
Compromise leads to self-loathing
Money the excrement of labor.
And you don't get to keep shit
Except politics and power trips and a bad breath down your neck.
I know
For I have toiled in the halls of the mighty
And not received a teardrop in a bucket.
Motherfuck it.
The world doesn't owe me a thing
But you do (Motherfucker).
So crooked when you die they're ganna have to screw your ass into the ground.
As life slowly unravels
Rise above, extract your life.
Will you look within
Then turn around and bite?
Day by day the mask suffocates your life
Is this any way to live?
No fucking way.


Feeling it today.

What did I learn today?

1) When cracking a whip - make certain you don't pop it by your ear. Something bad happens to your ear drum, it hurts, and then your hearing goes south.

2) Don't mix pepsi-max, AMP and mate - it's bad. This should be up there w. don't eat yellow snow.

3) Always get the hell out of the way of a Damage Case.

fucking metallica. at least Lemmy is on this one.


sometimes I gotta wonder...

thanks to my good friend for this clever gift...

and I wondered wtf life was preparing me for ... lol. Lighting fires of course!


allot can happen in 24 hours

For me, the question really was whether or not to provide the commentary to go along with these pictures...
do take it with a grain of salt - atm chaos is my life and days like today, I'm left wondering what this life is preparing me for.

First meal in San Diego this time around - overpriced pad khee mao but the over-the-top oyster sauce made the meal delicious - check out Saffron I'm certain I'll become a local regular.

This is the true meaning of stone-washed - what and incredible piece of carbon!

No shit. I'm going to CA, I know what it is.

Here is friend #2

This is a dixie dog!

Note the hat. He's gonna put the dick in dixie.

Geronimo's cacti with a %98 survival rate.

don't tread on me

This is my new neighbor and friend - luckily I bought some pellet shot to deal with him the next time he greets us at the french doors.


forgot these

these are mission critical photos passing on the pathos of midwestern travel!

a summary of the last 38 hours in a few pics.

started w. Jerky


chitown represent'n

pics from my 'hood:

Now I really am getting back to my work.


hacker juice!

as the years move along - some things change and others do not...


Gonna find you

(this is an orig Op IVY video - one of those songs that's stuck with me over the years. for a production quality version, click HERE)

"Saw a civilization where grabbing onto wealth
Was the only guarantee of freedom peace and health
Dollar sign value system upheld as the truth
And if you cant find a place its gonna find you

Saw the paranoid response to all of the examples
Of the ones that dont fit in this way of living geting trampled
Success is obedience to a structured way of life
You cant ignore the structure because were all within its sight"

Damn straight.

after all these years where has my value system gone? apparently not vastly far from where it was, or so it would seem.

Burn the World! Cleanse this hellish place! Fire! Fire!


Shouldn't we be more concerned with OURS?

US sharply skeptical of Myanmar constitution

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The White House on Friday expressed frustration at the pace of aid flows into Myanmar after devastating Cyclone Nargis and said the ruling junta's new constitution lacks legitimacy.

"We have not thought the constitution nor the process was legitimate," spokeswoman Dana Perino said after the junta announced that the blueprint had been "confirmed and enacted" in a referendum shortly after the killer storm.

Perino charged that the charter would only serve to entrench military rule and sideline democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi and added: "We hope they take steps to treat their people well and get on the path to freedom and democracy."

Earlier, Perino had dismissed the document, declaring "I don't think that the junta's constitution holds a lot of water," and stressing that Washington remains more interested in getting aid to survivors of the May 2-3 storm that left 133,000 dead or missing.

The junta's response to the crisis "continues to frustrate not just the United States, but other countries, and certainly the non-governmental organizations that are trying to get in there," she said.

Myanmar's ruling junta lashed out at foreign aid donors Friday, saying cyclone victims did not need supplies of "chocolate bars" and could instead survive by eating frogs and fish.

The New Light of Myanmar newspaper, a government mouthpiece, also warned that foreign relief workers could snoop inside homes, and condemned donors for linking aid money to full access to the hardest-hit regions in the Irrawaddy Delta.

Despite the harsh statements in official media, aid agencies say they have had some success in receiving visas and securing access to the delta, which bore the brunt of the devastation.


had I known...

Kate is Great!

ok, so this video is stupid especially since it's only that one image.. but whatever - it lets me share the song without worrying about copyright infringement (for now I suppose - until sharing posted intarweb crap is a formal crime too) which is all I can ask for. On to my short story: I setup an alarm clock that would play some BS (bouncing souls, NOT bullshit - I get enough of that already) to give me a nice wake-up - alas I woke up to the music of the Borat DVD playing in the apartment over my head.

(DUN DUN _ DUN DUN DUN ooomppapppa ooompappa RESTART DUN DUN _ DUN DUN DUN ooompppppa ooompappa RESTART)

damn hipsters.

So after breakfast, I took the k9s for a walk, and when we came in the door, "Kate is Great" was playing. It put a slight smile on my face, and brought a little bit of a tear in my eye. Those who know me understand that emotion outside of high-speed hunger and rage aren't all that common. I can only say that hearing something so damn close to my personal experience from a band I liked back in the day touched a little spot inside. Kinda cool.

Finding myself in the same home as when I left this fine city the gravity of this feeling is really hard to fully express and the song really does reflect my experiences since I've left Chi-town and only off by like, 1 year and some change.

I used to have home
with a room and bed
a porch and a driveway
with a big garage
but i traded it in
I kept some faith
laid my head down every night
and it seems so far away

remember me now cuz things
always change
5 long years have gone
i've done some time
sleeping where i fall
i know i'll never be the same

I learned somethings
about the places i saw
i learned something about myself
i guess it came the hard way
now i know what counts
i've got one prayer
it's in your confidence
i know all the places
i don't want to be everyone's
gone there'e no one just me

remember me now cuz things
always change
5 long years have gone
i've done some time
sleeping where i fall
i know i'll never be the same

remember me next time i go away
for the first time i wanna stay
i can count one hand here today
the only thing that matters to me
anyway and it seems so far away

remember me now cuz things
always change
5 long years has gone
i've done some time
sleeping where i fall
i know i'll never be the same

It's damn fine to be alive and breathing on this Sunday. Food to eat, enemies to crush, weeds to whack, and training to be done! Why does any of this rambling matter? Before I took off on my whacked out journey which really had nothing to do with soul searching - I would NEVER have given audience to that kind of "soft" thinking - and I'm a more complete person for it. Can't judge where you are until you can grasp where you've been. Right? Fuck yeah!

Always ready for 'em!