
Middle classes losing faith in 'rude' police who go for soft targets instead of the real criminals

By James Slack

The middle classes have lost confidence in the police, a stark report has warned.

They fear they have been alienated by a service which routinely targets ordinary people rather than serious criminals, simply to fill Government crime quotas.

The attitude of some officers has also led to spiralling complaints about neglect of duty and rudeness.


The report warns that the middle classes have been alienated by a service which targets ordinary people rather than serious criminals

The report from the Civitas think-tank says incidents which would once have been ignored are now treated as crimes - including a case of children chalking a pavement.

Its author, respected journalist Harriet Sergeant, says she was also told of a student being arrested, held for five hours and cautioned for keeping a London Underground lift door open with his foot.

The report warns that a generation of young people - the police's favourite soft targets - are being criminalised, putting their future prospects at risk.

Journalist Harriet Sergeant is the report's author and she says that a generation of young people are the police's favourite targets

Some offences being prosecuted are now so minor that senior officers have even begun talks with the U.S. authorities to prevent such a 'criminal record' stopping decent citizens obtaining a visa to cross the Atlantic.

Meanwhile responses to crimes such as burglary are slow and statements given by victims of serious crime are often left lying idle for months, the report warns.

An apparent emphasis on motoring crimes is another negative factor.

Miss Sergeant warns: 'The loss of public confidence is a serious matter.

'The police cannot police without the backing of society. Without trust and consensus it is very difficult and costly to maintain law and order.'

Her report says: 'Complaints against the police have risen, with much of the increase coming from law-abiding, middle-class, middle-aged and retired people who no longer feel the police are on their side.'

In 2006-7, there were 29,637 complaints - the most since records began 17 years ago.

Miss Sergeant said this was due in part to the law-abiding middle-classes becoming upset by the 'rudeness and behaviour' of officers.

The report details how officers are expected to reach a certain number of 'sanction detections' a month by charging, cautioning or fining an 'offender'.

Arresting or fining someone for a trifling offence - such as a child stealing a Mars bar - is a good way of hitting the target and pleasing the Home Office.

Amazingly, the chocolate theft ranks as highly as catching a killer.

Miss Sergeant says performance-related bonuses of between £10,000 and £15,000 a year for police commanders depend partly on reaching such targets.

This leads them to put pressure on frontline officers to make arrests for the most minor misdemeanours.

Officers said at the end of a month, when there was pressure to hit the target for that period, they would pursue young men as the most likely 'offenders'.

'Crimes' investigated by police have been criticised by the middle classes

Offences could include scrawling a name on a bus stop in felt-tip or playing ball games in the street.

One officer was so concerned he told his teenage son to be careful at the end of each month.

The pamphlet, parts of which were serialised by the Daily Mail earlier this year, says the police themselves are angry at the way they have to 'make fools of themselves'.

There were high levels of 'bitterness and frustration' and the targets were 'bitterly resented'.

One officer told how he was pressed to charge children playing with a tree with 'harassment'.

The same offence was used against a drunken student dancing in flowerbeds, who aimed a kick at a flower.


my buddies dog is so fuckin hardcore -



brilliant way to block a kick when you are down.

I think absorbing the blow with your skull would be nearly as effective as that stupid X block.

while schleping in a hotel in VA

I've been rocking out to the discography of Bouncing Souls - what a fantastic good feeling bad! yeah!

Here's to the true believers! East coast punk rocks my world!
"so when the lady's gone, the lady's gone. And what have ya got? ...... Probably a bunch of dudes." Brilliant!



holy crap! Broken Down!

This song just brought me back to 1994/95 - bad mohawk and questionable attitude keepin' it real yo @ the fireside bowl while skankin' the night away looking really freaking serious for what I have no idea, when I really should have been doing homework or some such nonsense!

While I find ska and punk ska to be retrograde scheise, Slapstick (TLA is ok, never liked 'em really) had suck incredible juice on stage - a steady stream of energy for their 35 minute sets followed up by picking up a cup from the garbage to drink some free mountain dew from the Taco Bell on California. MMmmHMmmmMMM - life was so much better after we discovered Arturos. Anyway..

And that was all >13 years ago! WOW! Good god, where has the time gone? Well spent I imagine...I've worked allot...that's meaningful, right?


do you have ... "the knack"?

I'm getting a kampilan!

After watching this - I'm most definitely getting a kampilan as soon as I can!

time to crush more enemies!



my hot gf

(just got the damn blog working again so here she is! - /dn 05/25/08)

well, no. not really - she's some random french chick from myspace.

but that doesn't change the fact i like the picture.

Did I mention that I really don't like being in Chicago?




Old and Ornery II

Old and Ornery!

Vote for the old and angry!


like royalty in exile - born to lose

It's all the same to me baby live or die laugh or cry

Fuck Chicago.



Am I being detained?

Question of the day, or perhaps the AM. It would appear that since they have no legal right, or perhaps since they don't want to slow the process of interrogating other citizens - you can drive right thru a checkpoint by asking some particular questions. I love it.

Look for "checkpointamerica" in youtube or go to CheckpointUSA.org

Get a clear perspective on how far we've come in the last 10 years. At least we're safer from them scary terrorizers.

Homeland Security Masters Degree?

WTF is this?
Good stuff - I'm still feeling safer every day. Glad we now provide educations to assist our home land security efforts! Sweet!



Go Philly!


Hail and Kill!

I will bring salvation, punishment and pain
The hammer of hate is our faith


Wedding Brawl!


New DosArmas Theme Song!


Jim's I'm coming for ya!



on a somewhat less depressing theme

ok, so the ramones are dying off like flies...

Lemmy, his meth and his mole are still going strong! YEAH!





my cool sheath