
welcome to my tuesday.


As I suck down some pu-erh

Chinese Tang dynasty poet Lu Tong explains the magic of tea drinking best in this poem:

“First cup moistens mouth and throat;
Second cup dispels loneliness and boredom;
Third cup makes the brain quick and lively,
capable of writing five thousand volumes;
Fourth cup brings mild perspiration,
draining all lifelong grievances through the pores.
Fifth cup refreshes muscles and bones;
Sixth cup brings communion with immortals;
No sooner has one drunk the seventh cup,
than a cool breeze lifts one up from below one’s arms.”

brilliant rambozo quotes

"When war is in your blood, When you are pushed, killing is as easy as breathing."


"Live for nothing or Die for something."

Something tells me that we should be getting emotionally prepared for yet another pointless and prolonged conflict in some foreign land. Historically speaking, the Rambo films have all been released right around the times of intense and intensely stupid conflict. If I recall, Cowboy Ronny Reagan even referred to Rambo in a speech sometime towards the end of his tenure.




Letters from the front

morning after -- the party's over....

just finished a long ass 2 days of labor - taking a 5 hour nap, and kicking it up a notch again as today and this evening is are another evening of action packed labor.

Feeling good! Feeling Strong! Going to sleep! Ugh!


can we spell

shitbag? thy name is waffle house. despite shooter jennings love for this place, it sucks. just had the worst breakfast/dinner wtf ever it was that I've had in a long time, and that says allot considering where I live. couldn't taste the egg past the grease, the grits leaked into everything, and the IHOP is too far to walk.
YES! I've been welcomed into the bosom of the south!

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Diebold, our trusted friend

Here's some old news from Wired about the cocaine traffickers at DIEBOLD.


here's some stuff I like.

1) Jeffrey Dean, wrote and maintained proprietary code used to count hundreds of thousands of votes as senior vice president of Global Election Systems, or GES. Diebold purchased GES in January 2002. According to a public court document released before GES hired him, Dean served time in a Washington state correctional facility for stealing money and tampering with computer files in a scheme that "involved a high degree of sophistication and planning." He left when Diebold acquired GES.

From 2005:

2) The Diebold insider noted that the initial GEMS system used to tabulate votes for the Diebold Opti-scan systems was designed by Jeffrey Dean, who was convicted in the early 1990s of computer-aided embezzlement. Dean was hired by Global Election Systems, which Diebold acquired in 2000. Global also had John Elder, a convicted cocaine trafficker, on its payroll. Diebold spokesman David Bear told Citybeat that Dean left shortly after the acquisition and that Elder also left “long ago.” Black Box Voting reported that Diebold gave Elder a “golden parachute” in 2004 and that he was let go only after his criminal past was revealed by BBV and mainstream publications.

Looks like a bunch of thieves, crooks and drug dealers are being trusted to count our votes. Oh, and it's WAY old news. Good to know.

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Dance Old man! Dance that tap you do so well!


3 Cheers for Dennis!

Congressman Dennis Kucinich has balls. While everyone around me knows that I am a proud Ron Paul supporter, and have been for well over a year, I'm still very impressed with the man.

The New Hampshire primary appears to have had some shady happenings - imagine that - Diebold having voting machine scandal? That's never happened before, or before that.

HERE is a document from 2003 (Avi Rubin - smart crypto security guy) talking about the serious security flaws within the Diebold e-voting systems.

"We identify several problems including unauthorized privilege escalation, incorrect use of cryptography, vulnerabilities to network threats, and poor software development processes. We show that voters, without any insider privileges, can cast unlimited votes without being detected by any mechanisms within the voting terminal software. Furthermore, we show that even the most serious of our outsider attacks could have been discovered and executed without access to the source code. In the face of such attacks, the usual worries about insider threats are not the only concerns; outsiders can do the damage. That said, we demonstrate that the insider threat is also quite considerable, showing that not only can an insider, such as a poll worker, modify the votes, but that insiders can also violate voter privacy and match votes with the voters who cast them. We conclude that this voting system is unsuitable for use in a general election. "

Read that again. It's vulnerable from the OUTSIDE - therefore insider threats are almost trivial. that's as morbidly bad as Oprah crying about being fat while eating a double Whopper with extra cheese and double special sauce.

Since 2000 we've had interesting results in the polls that seemed to defy understanding and reality. Some of us have been upset, and rightly so. If you want to read something REALLY pathetic, check out the Wired article from 2004. Everyone who has a rudimentary look (I got to play with one a while back. had anonymous ftp open on the platform with full upload/write permissions. Mein gott!) at any of these systems knows they are crap, and the people running the companies selling it are con-men, thieves and in some instances coke-dealers in previous their lives. Amazing.

It's about time to deal with this bullshit, and Kucinich has demanded the expensive recount of the New Hampshire vote.

Damn straight. Live free or die my ass. When something is rotten in Denmark, you deal with it, and this man stood up and took the helm of an obviously pirated vessel.

Despite this mans firearms voting record and his vehement anti-firearms stance, I applaud him for questioning the results of this election as well as standing up to a corrupt and vile system.

Cheers Congressman, thank you for standing up for liberty and what America used to be.

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25 Reasons to Vote For Ron Paul

25 Reasons I Support Ron Paul

(from lewrockwell.com)

by Don Garlits
by Don Garlits

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  1. He is honest.
  2. He is a statesman, and not just a politician
  3. He is pro life.
  4. He believes in the US Constitution.
  5. He wants to eliminate the evil Federal Reserve and return to honest money
  6. He wants to eliminate the IRS and the income tax
  7. He wants to reduce the size of the US Government and balance the budget.
  8. He opposes the Iraq War and any other war, unless we are attacked.
  9. He opposes President Bush’s scheme to form the North American Union (NAU).
  10. He will fight the Bush administration efforts to make illegal aliens who have returned to Mexico eligible for U.S. Social Security benefits, and he will oppose amnesty.
  11. He opposes the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty (UNLOST).
  12. He is a medical doctor and opposes socialized medicine.
  13. He is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
  14. He is not a member of the Trilateral Commission.
  15. He is a proven money raiser at over $27 million.
  16. He is a born-again believer and has lived a life of Christian service.
  17. He doesn’t insult us by using his religious faith to pander for votes.
  18. He has never voted for a Congressional pay raise.
  19. He has never voted for a tax increase.
  20. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
  21. He has never taken a government-paid junket.
  22. He has never voted to increase the power of the Executive Branch of government.
  23. He has not participated in the Congressional Pension Program.
  24. Ron Paul has been repeatedly named the "Taxpayer’s Best Friend" in Congress.
  25. I have known Ron Paul for 20 years, and he has never changed.

Ron Paul would be the first to tell you that he is not some miracle worker and that he can only do so much, even if elected, and we all know that it will be a miracle if some one with his convictions would win in the present political climate. But, folks, this may be our last chance in our lifetime for a man like this, so let’s give it all we’ve got.

Go Ron Paul.

January 3, 2008

"Big Daddy" Don Garlits [send him mail] is the King of the Dragsters. Visit his website.

Copyright © 2008 LewRockwell.com



listen to the sound of music!

starting at 4:36! Systema! Watch the Fat man dance for nearly 2 minutes!
this is a video of PURE LOLz



and with that, I'm off to some nightmarish sleep.


Libertarian or Not?

So for the 1st time since I turned 18 I registered to vote as something other than a Libertarian (other than my my one time funny guy registration as an anarcho-syndicalist) No, not a librarian. I know how to write. Barely, but thanks to my valiant mother I avoided public school - so some rudimentary writing skills have been picked up over the years. Alas the power and fury of the in-tar-web have fixed both my grammar as adjusted my rapidly declining ability to use punctuation as well as avoiding hegelian endless run-on sentences...

Regardless, the point is, I'm registering as a freaking Republicrat for the sake of giving up some noise for Dr. Ron Paul. I was always taught - " get your ass out and vote. it's the last right you have left." and once that goes away, you've got nothing.

So, to get in on the primary, I need to declare a party, and I'll be damned if I sit and watch some fear monger like Thompson- or the fine medusa get into office without some hullabaloo.

To bastardize some lines I've heard throughout the blogosphere - it's a republic only as long as you can handle the responsibility - "We the people" means US. You and I - the plebes, the simps, and the braniacs, WE are the government. We are the STATE. there's no sitting around waiting for "someone" or something to take care of us. get out and do it yourself. Getting out and voting isn't THAT FUCKING HARD. DO IT, or don't complain about the consequences of your inaction. it would be nice to be proven wrong that we aren't a passive society of simpleton morons who get what they deserve. then again, looking at the world around me, I know many a plebe who aren't going to vote. Kudos to you, that makes the NWOs job easier.

pardon me, the dobermonkey is staring directly at me, signaling a need to defecate on the state.

how appropriate.