
from a known mailing list...

Markets are melting, credit is frozen and the shit is about to hit the fan.
I hope all of you out there in internet-land are paying attention. All this stuff you are hearing on the news about wallstreet... it affects you. I had lunch at the office today and I was very surprised to find how many people didn't think this was going to affect them in any direct way. Believe me, it will affect you. And don't tell me "I don't use credit, so I'm OK". You see cause the tech worker turned farmer wants to grow some corn, so he goes to the bank to get a loan for some seed. The bank doesn't have any money to loan so the farmer can only grow a small bit of corn. The tortilla factory goes to the market to get some corn, unfortunately its been a crappy year and there is very little corn and that has caused to the price to spike to 20 times what it was 12 months ago. On top of that the tortilla factory cant get terms from the market as the market doesn't have any credit to extend. The CEO of the tortilla factory, Junior, is forced to buy very expensive corn for cash on the barrel head. The taqueria has been able to keep its doors open, its been run by the family for 3 generations and they all work there so workforce isnt a problem. They have been bartering with the local co-op for vegetables and spices. But to make great-grandmama's tacos they need tortillas. They manage to find a tortilla factory thats been able to keep operating, its three states away but Junior there say he can give them 30 day terms. Yay! Unfortunately interstate commerce, or actually commerce in general has been so slow there is no cheap transportation. So uncle bob gets in the dodge dart pools all the families gas and makes the trek... 3 states going and 3 states back. So you go in to the taqueria, and the cute waitress gives you a menu. And as is so common these days you see the prices are marked "MARKET PRICE". But you're feeling good, your app on iTunes is selling well in the Arab countries. So you ask after a soft taco...the waitress smiles, turns and shouts something to the kitchen in her native tongue. Turning back around she smiles again, but this time it seems a bit strained, and in a very soft almost embarrassed voice she replies... $78. SEVENTY EIGHT DOLLAR SOFT TACOS... thats how it affects you. I don't know what your situation is... But I think everyone should take a little bit of time to get ready for a couple of tight years. Secure credit NOW! Its pretty hard right now to get a line of credit... but its gonna be damn near impossible next year. Start saving money. Stock up on soft tacos.


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