
don't tread on me

This is my new neighbor and friend - luckily I bought some pellet shot to deal with him the next time he greets us at the french doors.


Blogger Less said...

Hey, they are tasty!

Do Cody Lundin proud and eat that sucker!

9:01 PM  
Blogger /dn said...

Cody Lundin likes Tom Kha soup and Lard Na. That said, I did lookup a recipe for rattlesnake stew AND have vast plans and uses for their spent craniums and teeth...

9:08 PM  
Blogger Less said...

XavierThoughts had a post about a 200 lbs rattlesnake in Louisiana - they cut 'er up, rolled her in cornmeal and deep fried her...

I say, tasty eating!


9:46 PM  

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