
holy crap! Broken Down!

This song just brought me back to 1994/95 - bad mohawk and questionable attitude keepin' it real yo @ the fireside bowl while skankin' the night away looking really freaking serious for what I have no idea, when I really should have been doing homework or some such nonsense!

While I find ska and punk ska to be retrograde scheise, Slapstick (TLA is ok, never liked 'em really) had suck incredible juice on stage - a steady stream of energy for their 35 minute sets followed up by picking up a cup from the garbage to drink some free mountain dew from the Taco Bell on California. MMmmHMmmmMMM - life was so much better after we discovered Arturos. Anyway..

And that was all >13 years ago! WOW! Good god, where has the time gone? Well spent I imagine...I've worked allot...that's meaningful, right?


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