
Latest Stats on Primary Race in AZ

Republican Votes Percent
MCCAIN, JOHN 189,582 47%
ROMNEY, MITT 134,486 34%
HUCKABEE, MIKE 35,658 9%
PAUL, RON 17,217 4%
GIULIANI, RUDY 11,923 3%

The MCCAIN thing is somewhat predictable - and I suppose it should be good that RP is coming in fourth. The one positive thing I can say about the whole experience today - other than the "discussion" I had with the voting staff leader about the Diebold e-voting machine - is that I wasn't the only one talking about how the e-vote systems were compromised...nice not to be the only "crazy" one around.

Also, as side-note, I heard much talking both young and old - about how ppl were starting to wake up that the government hasn't been looking out for them and it was a time for a change.

It would appear that change is indeed on the horizon, the question is whether it productive or bloody and destructive.


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