
Libertarian or Not?

So for the 1st time since I turned 18 I registered to vote as something other than a Libertarian (other than my my one time funny guy registration as an anarcho-syndicalist) No, not a librarian. I know how to write. Barely, but thanks to my valiant mother I avoided public school - so some rudimentary writing skills have been picked up over the years. Alas the power and fury of the in-tar-web have fixed both my grammar as adjusted my rapidly declining ability to use punctuation as well as avoiding hegelian endless run-on sentences...

Regardless, the point is, I'm registering as a freaking Republicrat for the sake of giving up some noise for Dr. Ron Paul. I was always taught - " get your ass out and vote. it's the last right you have left." and once that goes away, you've got nothing.

So, to get in on the primary, I need to declare a party, and I'll be damned if I sit and watch some fear monger like Thompson- or the fine medusa get into office without some hullabaloo.

To bastardize some lines I've heard throughout the blogosphere - it's a republic only as long as you can handle the responsibility - "We the people" means US. You and I - the plebes, the simps, and the braniacs, WE are the government. We are the STATE. there's no sitting around waiting for "someone" or something to take care of us. get out and do it yourself. Getting out and voting isn't THAT FUCKING HARD. DO IT, or don't complain about the consequences of your inaction. it would be nice to be proven wrong that we aren't a passive society of simpleton morons who get what they deserve. then again, looking at the world around me, I know many a plebe who aren't going to vote. Kudos to you, that makes the NWOs job easier.

pardon me, the dobermonkey is staring directly at me, signaling a need to defecate on the state.

how appropriate.


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