
3 Cheers for Dennis!

Congressman Dennis Kucinich has balls. While everyone around me knows that I am a proud Ron Paul supporter, and have been for well over a year, I'm still very impressed with the man.

The New Hampshire primary appears to have had some shady happenings - imagine that - Diebold having voting machine scandal? That's never happened before, or before that.

HERE is a document from 2003 (Avi Rubin - smart crypto security guy) talking about the serious security flaws within the Diebold e-voting systems.

"We identify several problems including unauthorized privilege escalation, incorrect use of cryptography, vulnerabilities to network threats, and poor software development processes. We show that voters, without any insider privileges, can cast unlimited votes without being detected by any mechanisms within the voting terminal software. Furthermore, we show that even the most serious of our outsider attacks could have been discovered and executed without access to the source code. In the face of such attacks, the usual worries about insider threats are not the only concerns; outsiders can do the damage. That said, we demonstrate that the insider threat is also quite considerable, showing that not only can an insider, such as a poll worker, modify the votes, but that insiders can also violate voter privacy and match votes with the voters who cast them. We conclude that this voting system is unsuitable for use in a general election. "

Read that again. It's vulnerable from the OUTSIDE - therefore insider threats are almost trivial. that's as morbidly bad as Oprah crying about being fat while eating a double Whopper with extra cheese and double special sauce.

Since 2000 we've had interesting results in the polls that seemed to defy understanding and reality. Some of us have been upset, and rightly so. If you want to read something REALLY pathetic, check out the Wired article from 2004. Everyone who has a rudimentary look (I got to play with one a while back. had anonymous ftp open on the platform with full upload/write permissions. Mein gott!) at any of these systems knows they are crap, and the people running the companies selling it are con-men, thieves and in some instances coke-dealers in previous their lives. Amazing.

It's about time to deal with this bullshit, and Kucinich has demanded the expensive recount of the New Hampshire vote.

Damn straight. Live free or die my ass. When something is rotten in Denmark, you deal with it, and this man stood up and took the helm of an obviously pirated vessel.

Despite this mans firearms voting record and his vehement anti-firearms stance, I applaud him for questioning the results of this election as well as standing up to a corrupt and vile system.

Cheers Congressman, thank you for standing up for liberty and what America used to be.

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