

I just had a strange conspiratorial thought - good milspec ammo is getting hard to come by, but there is Wolf ammo aplenty! Perhaps the man wants to destroy us from the inside by rotting our weapons away!
yeah, yeah, I know. it's decent ammo. It's cheap, it's more or less reliable most of the time if not for self -defense BLA BLA BLA

Taco Bell is decent food (relatively speaking), it does fill the hole in your gut if you can hold it in your body, BUT it still rots your guts away! Refuse in a tortilla! BASTARDs! Destroying our bodies and rotting our weapons! BASTA!
it's a small victory - just got back online after a battle with an unfriendly/unstable Motorola access point.

couple of thoughts for the evening:

1) tomatoes and egg whites make for a wonderful dinner
2) burpees couple with stick work and jump rope are a fantastic workout
3) 1/2 burpees are very intense in a different manner than standard burps - they also seemed to heat-up and stretch my broken back.
4) Circle Jerks said it best in the 80's cause once the Dam breaks things will overflow and everyone will be wild in the streets....

where will you be and will you be ready?


Asking Questions

funny, as the exit day approaches, stumbling into things in CA that seem to be of some value.

Conspiracy School House Rock!


in between doing network threat analysis, spacing out, drinking redbull and freaking-out about upcoming life changes....


My Gubernator on the CA fires

ok, so there are fires totally decimating California.

Who cares?

All I care about is the Governor's response . bearing in mind that the Governor is indeed none other than Conan the Barbarian and The Terminator, Arnold Schwartzeneger!

``I will be relentless all the way through this,'' Schwarzenegger said.

I'm loving the quote because somehow, everything he says sounds like a Terminator line. How will he be relentless? What will he do, blow some hot air on the fire and make it lower our tax burden? WTF is he mumbling about?

Hot Spam!

Finally a viagra add I can appreciate! of all the crapulent spam I receive on a daily basis, it's really a nice change of pace to get some that I can actually enjoy looking at. Thank you 08c.dieterle@breuning-irco.de for taking up some of my precious bandwidth and diskspace with this lovely image.

Fire! Fire! Fire!

more fire once again - somewhat close to my domicile of the damned. Not as close as last time, but still enough to shower mountains of ash on my shack residence. Fuck this place. I'm outta here.

finally, relevant pop-culture art.

Nathan Janes, who has become known for his fun and light-hearted renderings of man’s best friend, has released his newest painting of a much more serious subject matter. The painting, titled “With Liberty and Justice for All,” represents a movement within the United States and abroad that seeks answers to questions about the catastrophic events that occurred on September 11, 2001. Within the last two years a number of celebrities and public officials have come forward to support the growing movement including Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell, Mos Def, Gov. Jesse Ventura, Aaron Russo, and Raymond L. McGovern, and many more.

Janes says that he was inspired to complete this painting in order to make more people aware of the questions that have remained unanswered by the 9/11 Commission Report and by officials within the federal government. “Once you look closely at the events that happened on September 11, a lot of holes appear in the story,” Janes says. “So many people have died as a result of this event and we all deserve to know the truth about the events that led up to 9/11.”

The painting depicts a dog wearing a stars-and-stripes blindfold and surrounded by a ring of seven stars. Janes explains that, “The stars represent World Trade Center Building Seven, which mysteriously fell on September 11 even though it was not hit by an airplane nor sustained any major fires or damage from the collapse of WTC Buildings One and Two.” The patriotic blindfold represents the apprehension that many Americans have in accepting that the government could be capable of intentionally harming its citizens. Also depicted in the painting is the ‘All Seeing Eye’ and stealth bombers, which Janes says represent the power that the government has seized over the American people in modern times.


Smoke on!

This BOY's got Moxy! YEaH!


7-year-old suspended over stick-figure drawing

wtf is this?

I repeat, WTF IS THIS?

Complaint about image depicting 'water pistol' leads to disciplinary action

DENNIS TOWNSHIP, N.J. - A New Jersey second-grader's drawing of a stick figure shooting a gun has earned him a one-day school suspension.

Seven-year-old Kyle Walker's mom told an The Press newspaper of Atlantic City that her son was suspended for violating the district's zero-tolerance policy on guns. She said her son told her he'd drawn a water pistol.

Kyle gave the picture to another child on the school bus, and that child's parents complained about it to school officials.
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The case is not the first in New Jersey in which students were suspended for depictions of weapons.

Four kindergarten boys were suspended in 2000 for playing cops and robbers, even though they were using their fingers as guns.


An Ode to my old voicemail

for many years - probably 4-5, I kept the same voicemail message on my long-time xxx.xxx.4DAN number - and it consisted of a particular quote, but and I must say, years later, it stands true now even more-so than before. With a the erosion of the freedom of speech, the rtkba, the profound devaluation (%62) of the dollar in respect the Euro/Canadian bucks, to the recent move by the City of Belmont to ban smoking in ONE'S OWN HOME we are steadily marching towards a goose-stepping state that I cannot support.

So, going back to the old days, I didn't realize how relevant some of the old sayings were, and I certainly did not appreciate how much these understandings really guided my life path.

Given some experiences I had today, I know this to be true. Drastic and dymanic life changing events can happen in a mere moment. The first step truly is Discontent, and the recognition that changes is necessary. The next step is lighting yourself up with enough discontent juice and making changes rather than talking about them.

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

There is power in anger, there is fury generated from fueling of the fire! Making changes requires energy, and by God, discontent is magic fuel to be used for positive change. My only hope is that more Americans become discontent with their slipping global status and begin making life changes, becoming more involved with their communities, begin giving back to the nation that has provided them with so much.

something redeeming about Hollywood

Pinks Hot Dogs! A tradition since 1939 - and I might add the first decent encased meat I've had since moving out west.

Prepare to be enthralled:

and the Bubble-Up! is made with real cane sugar - quite a lovely dining experience!


D'arrrgh matey! this lovely sample of human funktitude washed up on the curb of a Long Beach, CA residence a few weeks back.

Sensual, isn't it?

The thought is that some professionals were using it during a gang instigated pantomime beating. It appeared free of lube, as if licked clean by some excitable young thing!

and from a different angle, here is it's size relative to my size 11boot!

Most invigorating, isn't it? CA Rules YO!

Obey the Doberman

Check out this link!

bring it on

ALCA - the North American version of the Euro, as interpreted by Vincente Fox, prez of MeHico.

All I can say is I have a newfound respect for Hugo Chavez that is along the same lines as my respect for Putin. It takes a balls to tell the world to fuck off.


the eye of the storm

propaganda or not, the FOI offered some interesting information of the Police perspective of the protesters. Times are changing....

I have GOT to get out of here

look at the stupid fight. amazing.


so, apparently our kids are supposed to bend over and say moo to security guards.

Can I scratch my ...


and now for a clear perspective on thangs....

Thanks Les!