
a special feeling

I have been hunting on the I-10 with Jesus and a liar
And watched an ancient man use a gun to retire
I seen the wall fall down and crush the old
So now everybody's hungry but they'd rather be cold

Let it go, let it go, let it go
Before we lose it all in time whats
Deserved always get served

Cause we stick therefore we can, break down end time
Hey fool haven't you heard heaven's not overflowing

And I been to a seance for the Klu Klux Klan,
I've seen a brother kill another with his own bare hand
I seen your rising son fall in your mama's eye
And now the cops got a medal but he calls it a prize

Let it go, let it go, let it geaux
Before we lose it all in the time
Whats deserved always get served

Cause we stick therefore we can, break down end time
Hey fool haven't you heard heaven's not overflowing

You know the rules only apply on the witness stand
At that you never get in trouble if you stick with your plan
This is why I'm livin for the day like a necromancer
Cause when you go your gone take the pain back stabber

Stick me and let it go...


De Groote!

Art from Buellton's famous Gerard de Groote! Amazing! Click Paris to be take to the de Groote's page.
SoCal Sucks.





a mistake at my hosting provider torched all my postings etc. BLEAH




Apparently it's OK to tase someone for asking quesitons.


WHo is the goddamn ninja?

I am! s'ahhhhhhhhhh! Feel my fury!


What's really amazing is


1) I don't know if this is a spoof or not
2) I don't know if that is a man or a woman.



Technological Setbacks

So 2 weeks ago my camera died. Today my 80g iPod video turned into a brick.
it's so hard to get ahead when you have to keep running just to stay in place!

Regardles - Endgame is coming out soon, and the sooner the better.


Our Only Hope

My Campaign Theme

The United States Government must regulate government sleepers and government regulations authorized thought, ideas, acts, actions, rights, wrongs, controversies, facts, issues and circumstantial evidence through intelligence research, law research, law enforcement research and criminal law research implementing ROTC communications research innovating education national and international.

My Platform

My platform for President of the United States Of America is Criminal Law. It is developed from my Method of Education. I was ordered to create and or invent by the United States Army that is now intact regulating the United States Government protecting it through Military Intelligence Computerization Management a new Disipline I invented and the Administration of Criminal Law Laws across the board.

My Direction

The United States Government education will perfect the vindication of it’s government regulating it’s directions and resources requirement by the law only.


Feeling Weak! Feeling Sad!

Never! Always feeling strong and ready for 'em at all times!

Broke the LCD display on my lil-camera whilst climbing a lookout tower.

Is this an exciting even in and of itself?

No. it is however my only camera and it doesn't have an analog glass picture sight. suck. time
to start shopping for another camera.

Oh - of in the distance - about 100 miles away is the Grand Canyon

Here's a picture of a tree of woe I found today: