
Good blade, Great price!

This an evil little blade produced by Spydero - not my favourite blade company, but they still make a decent shank for the price you pay..

The above is an early folding kerambit they produced. Ok, so why the hell am I posting this? First of all, this particular model has a VG-10 blade which is in the class of steels like ATS-34/154CM - however the smattering of vanadium provides a slight edge (ooh! pun!) in the blades ability to be sharpened. So what again? It'll take a keen edge, and holds onto it.

Next up, blade retention. If you are one of those cautious people who don't like to commit felonies by carrying fixed blade knives - like a Hideaway - this offers a significant amount of retention due to the nature of the kerambit grip AND the blade is fairly small coming in at just over 1 13/16" so if you are in one of those nasty places where the police like to measure your blade length - this is teeny! If you want more details on it, clicking on the blade will take you to Botach where you can find this nasty little bugger for 49.95 which I might add is a very reasonable price for a knive that can open boxes, gut fish, thwarting the enemy etc. Think about it! Stable one hand operation for quick and dirty evisceration!

Final note, don't ask me to sharpen it for you. Sharpening curved blades brings out some of the old fash'n rage in me.

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The Official DosArmas Ghost-Town!

Advanced Tactics!

A good friend sent this to me last night -
kept me awake for quite some time chuckling.

Click on the pic to get a larger image, then click it again to zoom in so you can
actually read the text!


The MOST tactical Beverage on Earth!

Yes, you saw it in the philly-steak photo earlier.......

3-down! 69 more to go! In these Recon arrived just in time to prepare for the mini-road trip this April.

As a funny aside, the crotchety woman at the register just stared at me for a moment before rining up my precious Recon(Tm)

It seems that ppl just don't want to see me happy.
Recon makes me happy - is that so wrong?

Not only does it take the edge off, BUT it also smooths out my subtle hustle and this SB hustler is always moving like butter oh yeah!!!!

Some of you may think I have a problem with Recon. Just so you know, ya'll are Out of your minds, I don't need to hear anymore of your platitudes, thank you very much, I can handle my gawddamn soft drinks kthanxbye.


While nothing terribly special, this sandwich was one of the highlights of a fine day of running errands in V-town! I'm constantly searching for a good philly-steak. Any and all suggestions are welcome! This one has double beef, onions, green peppers, shrooms and a side of sweet tomato pickled peppers! Greasy, hot'n good! YEAH!

UAV Fooled to Hide Iraq Murder

Read this article (click on the pic) if you believe there is value being derived from the panopticon being built in major metropolitan areas such as Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, NYC. Think about it - billions spent on camera systems to monitor the people for their own safety - more security theater bullshit making some feel more secure (certainly the federales), but where is the real value in deploying such flaccid technologies? What makes this article interesting is the fact that the UAV snapshots were taken @ face value -- meaning there was no notion of non-repudiation. The imaging systems were considered infallible until someone confessed other-wise. there's the fallacy of any security monitoring system - there's reality and the system's perception of reality. In my professional life, I've found that many inexperienced analysts (and management) tend to zealously believe that these machines and their output are oracles of truth whether or not there is evidence that says the otherwise.

ok, off the pulpit and back to keeping it real in the shack known as Rancho Dosarmas.

We're the Government! We're here to help!

When you hear that statement, you should have only one response - RUN Forest RUN!

This site tends to stray away from politics and ride that razors edge of meaningless fluff and monkey-fluffery -- however this note raised my blood pressure a tad - so here it is. Who is doing the spying? Our own government.

[1] Inspector General Discloses National Security Letter Misuse

On March 9, 2007, the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector
General (OIG) issued a report on the FBI's use of the National Security
Letter (NSL) authority. National Security Letters represent an
extraordinary search procedure that permits the FBI to compel the
disclosure of records held by banks, telephone companies, and others
without judicial oversight. Recipients of these requests are forbidden
to reveal that they have received the request. NSLs have existed since
1986, but the Patriot Act's section 505 expanded the scope of whose
records could be reached with an NSL as well as the number of personnel
at the FBI that could issue them. NSL requests grew from an average of
8,500 a year to 40,000 in 2003, 56,000 in 2004, and 47,000 in 2005.

The FBI is required to report to Congress on the number of NSLs issued;
the OIG found that the FBI underreported this number. The OIG review
looked at 77 case files containing 293 NSLs out of a population of
140,000 during the 2003-2005 period. This review found that there were
17% more NSLs in the sample of case files than in FBI reporting
databases. Delays in data entry also caused about 4,600 NSLs to not be
reported to Congress. The OIG concluded that the FBI database
significantly understates the number of NSL requests issued, and that
Congress has been misinformed about the scale of the usage of the NSL

The report also found significant violations of law and regulations.
Violations are supposed to be self-reported by the FBI to the
Intelligence Oversight Board. During the 3-year period in question, the
FBI self-reported 26 violations out of the 140,000 NSLs issued. The OIG
found 22 potential violations out of the sample of 293 NSLs it reviewed.
This indicates that large amounts of violations are not being
self-reported, as the OIG found that 22 percent of the files it
investigated contained possible violations.

The OIG also found over 700 "exigent letters," which are not authorized
by statute and some of which appear to have been issued when no exigency
or emergency existed. These letters requested records from telephone
companies and promised that proper subpoenas had been submitted or would
follow. However the OIG found no confirmation that subpoenas, National
Security Letters, or other proper process did follow or had in fact been
submitted. In 2005, EPIC uncovered documents concerning National
Security Letters that revealed violations of law reported to the
Intelligence Oversight Board.

Office of the Inspector General's Report (pdf):



Way long overdue!

I meant to post this on January 1, 2007.
I didn't.

It is because I am a slacker, and or I was so nearly comatose from the combination of Denny's food and Monster energy drinks ....

Anyway, check it out! This is where I NEARLY had my New Year's Eve dinner!
(edit 03/23/2007 - just noticed that this dump is a chain! OMG - the filth is spread througout the SW! Click on the pic to learn about items on the Furr's menu! )

Yummers! I walked into this creepy place that was kinda like cafeteria style and a bunch of angry ppl behind the counter asked me if I wanted their sirloin steak special (which looked a touch less appealing than my well worn Frye shoe-leather) with a side of crusty mac'n'cheese - their special for NYE. Undaunted, I was still willing to risk it all and try the steak ala vieja -

Then I noticed that the place I would normally pay for my dinner was somehow encased in a layered Lexan shell.....

Needless to say, I left and went to a Denny's down the road for a greasalicious Ultimate Omelette - extra meat with a side of sausage!


Pork Power!!

Those of you who know me understand the profound amount of passion I have for meat, I enjoy a nice piece of meat: bear, beef, bison, elk, pork, venison, good GOD I love all of it so much! Tonight, Colonel Geronimo and I partook in a slamming meal in Carpinteria, one of the comfort-food wombs of the central-coast:


I promised a good friend thata I would post a pic of the mighty 32oz pork Chop, or at least what's left of it. DAMN this is good piece of BBQ! Meat so creamy and buttery that it requires just a light pull to draw it off the bone....

pork chop - our signature dish
xxx large, approx. 32 oz, hand cut & grilled to perfection,
tender & juicy, served with a side of our spicy apricot sauce

Yah, Yah, Yah, the picture is fuzzy - so what! I was moving quickly and had at least 17oz of meat left to consume! Delicioso!


Diesel Sweeties Keeping the blogspace hard and rea! !

Baby Got Book

not really sure what to say about this....

uhm, I'm going back to my normal Wednesday Value-Add.......


Value Add Thought of the Day

...After a day spent adding value in my corporate digs, I pondered the meaning of time in my present world - and for whatever reason my brain drifted off into a strange place. In the midst of a heated and utterly meaningless verbal sparring match with a colleague, I recalled a quote from my late uncle Ron:

"Danny, don't fight another man's war." (if anyone else thinks it's ok to call me Danny, they will get an instant smackdown)

and suddenly I was flooded with memories of the persistent and fruitless corporate combat I've waged on a daily basis for far too long. It was disconcerting to say the least.

Perhaps 5 minutes ago I came across this quote, and it sounded an even larger gong in my now sensitized mind:

"Even in prison your time is your own, if you use it for your own purposes. To waste your time in battles not of your choosing is more than just a mistake, it is stupidity of the highest order. Time lost can never be regained."

Plan the work, work the plan, and leave battles outside of your scope to whom they belong. Life is too precious for superfluous bs



In my years of working, I've been late getting to work once or twice....
Lethargy or a general disconnect from the entire notion of a working world have be brought up as reasons why - however I beg differ. A variety of absurd incidents have prevented my prompt arrival at whatever office I was attending. I've had SWAT teams raiding a neighbors home, gang-fighting in the intersection, a hype of some sort threatening the world in front of my gate, a landlord removing the stairs from both sides of my apartment, a large '77 Cutlass on fire outside behind my garage and so on and on do the stories of Humbolt Park go....

So, this is the 1st time I've been delayed by something as stupid as Fowl Play.

here is a 3 second video of a pack of turkeys blocking the road out of my house, it would be longer, but the batteries in my camera died

I quickly changed batteries, and started to take my offensive against the vile turkeys who were slowing our procession down the mountain of power therefore delaying my daily corporate Value-Add. So, I set the dogs a barking, and began to drive thru the gaggle of ferocious Stasi fowl blocking our passage!

They dispersed up the hill once they realized our vehicular superiority.


Mountain Man Prison Workout

Not having the desire to venture back into the cultural abyss found 3000ft below the Rancho DosArmas retreat center, I was inspired to design a quick and hard-hitting workout program that would pummel the entire body in both aerobic and anaerobic manners....in under 15 minutes. Rather than ponder the plethora of useless "Men's Fitness" "Muscle-Mag" articles or perhaps even delve into the moderately entertaining world of "Crossfit" I looked for inspiration from these likes of those who workout not because it's healthy or because their Dr told them to but because they need to stay hard and ready for action. The American Inmate.

This goes out to you my prisoner workout brethren - mi familia - trapped in Soledad, San Quentin, Folsom, stay strong!

This routine is performed as compound superset complex - meaning no rest between exercises, motions or sets.

6x the following complex:

Wide grip powerups x Failure
45degree clapping pushup x 12
Perpendicular clap pushup x 12
Abb Crunches x 15
Shank/Blade work x 6
each side or work two-hand combinations - working up/down lateral motions (head to toe strikes)
Clubbel Snatch w. super-slow Crucifix return x 6
(optional 50 x over a jump rope as fast as possible)

Rinse repeat 6 times. If your legs/chest/shoulders/biceps/triceps/ and lungs are not burning, you did something very wrong OR you are SLACKING when you should be MOVING. If there is any interest in this routine, I can post pictures of the actual exercises and the rudimentary
equipment used.


Idle Hands are the Devils Toyshop!

Every morning before the I leave for another invigorating day of mentally stimulating work - I take a deep breath and contemplate how I intend on adding value to my organization.

Here is today's "value-ad"