
bring it on

ALCA - the North American version of the Euro, as interpreted by Vincente Fox, prez of MeHico.

All I can say is I have a newfound respect for Hugo Chavez that is along the same lines as my respect for Putin. It takes a balls to tell the world to fuck off.


Blogger Less said...

The problem is that too far right and you're a NAZI, and possibly like Hitler. Too far left and you're a commie, or worse, like Stalin...

While Chavez may have some balls to tell the rest of the world to stick it, his folks aren't going to be drinking beer very soon or eating chili because HE says it's bad for you...

Things progress on the right and things progress on the left. Ultimately with both sides progressions, they march toward taking more liberties away from you!

ALL government is about control: "The bureaucracy expands to meet the ever increasing needs of the bureaucracy!"

Remember what Reagan said: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'

9:36 AM  
Blogger Less said...

Oh, one more thing, don't forget that Vicente Fox is a punk ass dope from Mexico... He moves his mouth but I don't hear anything...

9:46 AM  

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