
Thought of the Day

Hitting the road allows one some serious time for reflection - especially when waiting at the regional Flyin'-J for some clackin redneck trailer rebel pride renegade to fill up their 164oz super express "Beans at Work" mug with synthetic instant Espresso-Mocha-Latte schlock. I know I've brought this up in the past, but I have to ask it:

Why is the hillbilly-hick accent the same regardless of where in these here glorious states one travels? It's almost as if Hick is the universal accent that's as American as apple pie and Chevrolet, or perhaps even Doritos - the American nacho hybrid.

speaking of which, I found a bag of these Beta-release Doritos on this outskirts of nowhere and shitbagville earlier this evening:

they tasted at little bit like rose petals mixed with dirty sweatsock and a hint of warm, generic salsa from a mexican restaurant run by Ugandans.


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