
while keeping it real Cracker Barrel style somewhere in Utah

All cranked up on Recon(tm)
and ready to go, the Clan DosArmas drove down their mountain of power around 10 am today, nearly 12 hours behind their schedule departure. Bleary eyed and chock full of hopes and dreams, 1 man and 2 dogs drove away from their little bit of paradise....some would call it a veritable Eden...they ventured off into the unforgiving desert. Actually, first they brave afternoon L.A. traffic, desert ain't hot shit in the icebox compared to that!

this picture is dedicated to a good friend , who is in his own right, a very irate Greek. But first, a moment of silence dedicated to my favorite place in Baker which is now defunct. Bun Boy is no more. It's now a Bob's Big Boy. Bleah.

And upon entering Utah, and parking near the local Cracker Barrel for a delicious country fried steak .... Lovely.

La Vida Loca!


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