
what me, aggro?

right. so over the past year or so, I've been called "aggro" a handful of times by...well, people I really couldn't care less about. The same types who bandy about extolling the virtues of being vegetarian while eating a filet-o-fish sandwich or some such foppish nincompoopery. Since I typically consider the source of the diatribe before I really listen to what they are saying, most of the comments get dropped to the /dev/null (a computer allusion to an endless wastebasket) bit-bucket of my mind.

Flashback to tonight - whilst playing on Urban Dictionary, I looked up what aggro actually means!

1. aggro
a term that has been used for decades by surfers and other water-headed types to describe someone who is overly and unesscessarily agressive, competitive, or assinine whilst in the water. prolonged exposure to the aggro can ruin even the best session, so "deal" with them immediately (read: choke with your leash then return to your state of zen-like calm once they are dead)

Watch out for those SoCal types, theyre aggro, they should stay in Cali where they fucking belong.

by East End Hui Jan 25, 2005

Right on East End Hui! Rock out! All aggro all the way for this Chi-Town Hustler! Booyah!

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