
Road-Trip synopsis

This is a placeholder for a little bittie review of last weeks shenanigans

So, my car fridge broke on the way TO SD. Like, the first day. I smelled burning plastic....
What did that mean? Drinking WARM Recon(tm) and WARM Monster. YUCK!

Here is a picture of my first meal. once in Deadwood SD - it SHore did Look better than that nappy ass thang I had at the AssCrack Barrel, but the saw dust seemed to have negative effects on our hearty band of 3. Note the lovely plate this deepfried monstrosity was served no. Ain't nothing better than styrofoam goodness melting under the heat of the deep fried treat!

This is Daniel Dosarmas himself looking off profoundly in the distance.

Here are some pics of Mt Rushmore. Ok, that's nice isn't it? take a look at this pic:

and also note the slightly more detailed shot of the makeshift church setup at the base of the mountain! Talk about separation of church and state! Gawd Bless America! Hallelujah!

For those who don't know, there really isn't anything in SD. Literally. Nothing. Nothing for 100's of square miles around. Zero. Zip. Nada. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that that is a whole lot of nothing surrouding a little something (like deadwood, mt rushmore etc) that isn't all that impressive or worth trecking to!

But wait! There's more! More nothing! Oh boy!

well, that's not entirely accurate. This is the Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

nothing witty to say about this penile structure sticking out of the ground in the middle of nowheres. Here's a shot from a little closer...

When I saw this little tubby ass huffing it over to the DosArmas truck of Doom braving our hounds of hell, I knew he was looking for trouble.

Here's the fat little bastard prairie rat eating of all things, a fried pork skin. Can't blame him, I'd eaten the larger portion of the bag before he dug in!

Here is where the DosArmas crew made their pit-stop before trucking on the hell out of Wyoming (for another 10 hours - gag).

Gotta give it to the Wyomingians - they sure have a knack for names! It's a wonder even the prairie dogs are fat lil bastards! And after >3k miles, in 5 days, that's about all folks!