
Value Add Thought of the Day

...After a day spent adding value in my corporate digs, I pondered the meaning of time in my present world - and for whatever reason my brain drifted off into a strange place. In the midst of a heated and utterly meaningless verbal sparring match with a colleague, I recalled a quote from my late uncle Ron:

"Danny, don't fight another man's war." (if anyone else thinks it's ok to call me Danny, they will get an instant smackdown)

and suddenly I was flooded with memories of the persistent and fruitless corporate combat I've waged on a daily basis for far too long. It was disconcerting to say the least.

Perhaps 5 minutes ago I came across this quote, and it sounded an even larger gong in my now sensitized mind:

"Even in prison your time is your own, if you use it for your own purposes. To waste your time in battles not of your choosing is more than just a mistake, it is stupidity of the highest order. Time lost can never be regained."

Plan the work, work the plan, and leave battles outside of your scope to whom they belong. Life is too precious for superfluous bs


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