
UAV Fooled to Hide Iraq Murder

Read this article (click on the pic) if you believe there is value being derived from the panopticon being built in major metropolitan areas such as Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, NYC. Think about it - billions spent on camera systems to monitor the people for their own safety - more security theater bullshit making some feel more secure (certainly the federales), but where is the real value in deploying such flaccid technologies? What makes this article interesting is the fact that the UAV snapshots were taken @ face value -- meaning there was no notion of non-repudiation. The imaging systems were considered infallible until someone confessed other-wise. there's the fallacy of any security monitoring system - there's reality and the system's perception of reality. In my professional life, I've found that many inexperienced analysts (and management) tend to zealously believe that these machines and their output are oracles of truth whether or not there is evidence that says the otherwise.

ok, off the pulpit and back to keeping it real in the shack known as Rancho Dosarmas.


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