
Mountain Man Prison Workout

Not having the desire to venture back into the cultural abyss found 3000ft below the Rancho DosArmas retreat center, I was inspired to design a quick and hard-hitting workout program that would pummel the entire body in both aerobic and anaerobic manners....in under 15 minutes. Rather than ponder the plethora of useless "Men's Fitness" "Muscle-Mag" articles or perhaps even delve into the moderately entertaining world of "Crossfit" I looked for inspiration from these likes of those who workout not because it's healthy or because their Dr told them to but because they need to stay hard and ready for action. The American Inmate.

This goes out to you my prisoner workout brethren - mi familia - trapped in Soledad, San Quentin, Folsom, stay strong!

This routine is performed as compound superset complex - meaning no rest between exercises, motions or sets.

6x the following complex:

Wide grip powerups x Failure
45degree clapping pushup x 12
Perpendicular clap pushup x 12
Abb Crunches x 15
Shank/Blade work x 6
each side or work two-hand combinations - working up/down lateral motions (head to toe strikes)
Clubbel Snatch w. super-slow Crucifix return x 6
(optional 50 x over a jump rope as fast as possible)

Rinse repeat 6 times. If your legs/chest/shoulders/biceps/triceps/ and lungs are not burning, you did something very wrong OR you are SLACKING when you should be MOVING. If there is any interest in this routine, I can post pictures of the actual exercises and the rudimentary
equipment used.


Blogger less said...

Post Pictures!

10:31 AM  
Blogger less said...

Post pictures!

10:32 AM  

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