
Good blade, Great price!

This an evil little blade produced by Spydero - not my favourite blade company, but they still make a decent shank for the price you pay..

The above is an early folding kerambit they produced. Ok, so why the hell am I posting this? First of all, this particular model has a VG-10 blade which is in the class of steels like ATS-34/154CM - however the smattering of vanadium provides a slight edge (ooh! pun!) in the blades ability to be sharpened. So what again? It'll take a keen edge, and holds onto it.

Next up, blade retention. If you are one of those cautious people who don't like to commit felonies by carrying fixed blade knives - like a Hideaway - this offers a significant amount of retention due to the nature of the kerambit grip AND the blade is fairly small coming in at just over 1 13/16" so if you are in one of those nasty places where the police like to measure your blade length - this is teeny! If you want more details on it, clicking on the blade will take you to Botach where you can find this nasty little bugger for 49.95 which I might add is a very reasonable price for a knive that can open boxes, gut fish, thwarting the enemy etc. Think about it! Stable one hand operation for quick and dirty evisceration!

Final note, don't ask me to sharpen it for you. Sharpening curved blades brings out some of the old fash'n rage in me.

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