
the remarkable world of warcraft

I recently received an email from Kolonel Sir Geronimo, a DosArmas non-compliance specialist from parts unknown, or somewhere in LA.

To appreciate the true quandary KSG suffers, one must appreciate the kind of dorkballs who spend their lives immersed in World of Warcraft. Check out some videos of the game here. I can't do justice for this breed of online computer gamers, however I can verbally smite them from my mountain shack as the average WoWer has not the aptitude nor the capacity to venture out to Rancho DosArmas.

At any rate, KSG sent me an email asking for advice on how to respond to his two happy-go-lucky soon to be married WOW friends, and I dear readers, am at a complete loss how to help! Please read on:

"Do you have friends or acquaintances who are heavily involved (perhaps even obsessed) with world of warcraft? I just received a message from two who are getting married. I get this horrid mental image of the both of them logging in right after the proposal to go on a quest then stop for a spot of teabagging at the molten core. At this point I am at a loss as to how to respond to their message. Please help."

Kolonel Sir Geronimo, I myself do not associate with WoW gamers. I find their presence to be both disturbing and mildly traumatic. Here is an example of the type of crap they do in their spare time.

Terrifying. I suspect your visions of virtual teabagging are indeed just precursors to the real acts. Perhaps they will produce an inspiring video for other WoWers. I heartily recommend immediate suspension of contact with your star-struck WoW companions and continue on with life.

Best of luck Kolonol!


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