
Dinner at Rancho DosArmas

So, it's not really a ranch, it's my hovel in the woods. So what? It's the spirit that counts!

This evening's text touch on how the late Dr. Atkins was slightly mistaken. Let me clarify my position.

This evening's dinner at the Rancho (hovel just sounds so pedestrian, doesn't it?) was courtesy of a wonderful, wayward, anonymous visitor who entered the sturdy confines of our woodland stronghold.

We (meaning I) were treated to an epicurean delight of herculean proportions that tickled our fancy, warmed our soul, and provided us with exquisite cocktail of insomnia & tachycardia: Flour-less Chocolate Cake!

With the addition of some robust Sumatran coffee, the evening was complete!

Pundits say Gin is the way to hold fast in this world of chaos and tribulation - I beg you to consider that chocolate, butter, eggs and sugar are the glue which hold civilizations together!


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