
Definitely Fruity

International Banana Club?

This is just plain wrong!

First of all, that banana is wearing some kinda kinky p-leather/vinyl bondage suit. WTF?

Next, check out the activities section, I want to be a flaming guy!

Finally, they speak in a special undecipherable code..

"We use our BC cards to get special rates, favors, discounts and surprises. Member selected titles have something to do with the "fun" involvement.The Club is dedicated to maintaining the positive attitude and keeping spirits up! Using the club card and personal titles is a great way to get attention. Wearing a B.C. shirt or just a banana sticker will get you special attention. "

Think people, THINK!

I'm certain that wearing a B.C. shirt will indeed get one special attention...but special rates? special favors? special surprises? Personal Titles? Just call me Captain Banana Head!

Sodom and Gomorrah! How long can these strange fruit perverts openly flaunt their twisted fetish?

Mr. Speer you certainly are Top Banana - and Glen, we see that smile on your face. I'm certain you're doing something special with those bananas, and we're not going to take it anymore!


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