
The great outdoors, about 8 minutes from my house

My pups and I are going camping/hiking this weekend -- where?


While packing our lightweight BOB kit, both beasts and human will become load-bearing creatures during this excursion. Am I psyched? totally!

The 4 am wake-up, well that leaves me less than pumped, but still, the day is going to be fantastic!

If you are curious about more details of where we will be, check out these pics.
I'll be keeping it real on the local repeaters , and it'll be amusing to see how well my Vx5r battery handles being used for many hours straight--I'm sans solar-roll this trip and my desired pack weight is 25lbs. Funny how much of that is anti-bear/cougar gear and bottled water....

If I can be reached, I'll be found on the following repeaters:

W6YJO Santa Ynex Peak 144.58/145.18
K6TZ Santa Ynez Peak 222.52/224.12
PL 131.8

Once we are back, I'll write up how we fared while trecking with our LW BOB.


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