
White Trash Mythology

WTF is this non-sense? At what point did it become cool to be a hick?
well my gut tells me it was sometime around 1993 when Brad Pitt starred the cooter "Early" in Kalifornia and it was only downhill from there.

Bands like Nashville Pussy hit the scene espousing pseudo-country-cooter drivel nonsense about the good life of fried chicken, wild sex and cocaine. At least the women in the band had some sex-appeal...

But empowerment thru ignorance? huh? what? what did I miss? when did I miss it? Where's my John Deere hat? Anyone else out there still mildly confused at this cultural conundrum? IT'S NOT REAL! Y'ever been to the south? driven thru backwater Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, m-I-ss-I-ss-I-PP-i or Louisiana? There aren't many hot belles ala ---->Ryder Suys or Karen Cuda, and the men are nowhere near as groomed as Brad pitt.

All that being said, I still happen to love Johnny Cash, and I'm
developing a hankering for Hank Williams III but I do have the understanding that THEY are not exactly the unwashed Appalachian masses...

Where did the Myth of the Savory, Sultry cooter come from?


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