
some old pictures of v-town

and that's about it -- I found them, and decided that they are worth posting in a dedicated slot as opposed to being thrown helter-skelter into a disposable instance of flickr -- meanwhile back at the bat-cave the beasts are barking running amok in a freespace that is about-- oh, 10 sq ft. fantastic.

This is one of my favourite spots on Ventura Beach @ sunset.

The following shot isn't all that exciting, but after having been here for little over a year I still enjoy watching the waves flow in the early evening...
Even though I love living on my mountain of solitude and power, V-Town really is a great place be -- nice people, good vibe and all that jazz.

Here's the last pic worth sharing, a surfer closing up shop after a day of hitting the waves with the Channel Islands in the backround.


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