
Life, Communication, and updates from the foothills of Santa Barbara

So, the lung condition (read below for more details) seems to be abating, and I am no longer sitting in a state of pitiful fatigue - Yeeee-Haw!

This has been a learning week for me - allow me to share some thoughts that have rumbled thru my mildly unfogged mind this week -

1) I have regularly communicated w one of my oldest friends via iChat video since moving the west coast - no-one else in my social group (All technical people mind you!) made the hurdle to chat via some form of video teleconference. This week, I started chatting with both my father and my lovely ex via Skype video. These are two ne0-luddites - which to me means that skype really is bridging the gap between the technically capable and Joe-Six-Pack masses in terms of mass video communication. While the quality isn't fantastic, the video is more than adequate for communicating, and the voice-portion is fairly reliable. Hard to complain with free while it is such! So, what's is the excuse of the rest of the techno-elite nerds in my group? hrmm. good question!

2) I love my new gun club! I received my membership card on Friday, and today I took some time to hit my new home range! Here is a far too small panoramic image of the facility area:
Gorgeous facility, and the site has some of the most incredible views that I have seen in the region!

3) I must be turning into a hick, because I'm really digging Hank Williams III. Here are some lyrics from one of his more brilliant songs

Smoke and Wine

Well, I have got no money but I am doin' fine. I'm just a hillbilly hell-raiser; I'm tryin' to kill my time. An' I'm lookin' for that gal, about five foot ten. An' I'm gonna take her down that road of livin' a life of sin.

Because I'm drinkin', druggin': I'm havin' lots of fun. I always carry round my loaded shotgun. If I think I'm gonna have a bad time, I got a little bit of smoke an' a whole lotta wine.

Taste my pain! Perhaps my upcoming trip to Chicago will save me from turning into a bucolic weirdo!


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